Dinosaur Wiki

Wiki Foundercrown

Welcome to the Founder Contact Page. This page contains links to each Founder’s talk page. Please choose the correct Founder for your needs. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PAGE IS ONLY TO BE USED FOR IMPORTANT/SERIOUS ISSUES. If your issue is not that important or serious, please don’t bother us with it. Go contact a sysop or bureaucrat instead of bugging the Founders with it, because we Founders are UNBELIEVABLY BUSY (Sorry, did I say busy? I meant LAZY!) and DO NOT want to be solving very small issues that you could have worked out for yourself e.g are you male or female. I do admit, that in some cases, this can be rather difficult, but that is not the point! IMPORTANT THINGS ONLY!!!!

T-Rex 882 = Advancing your rank (Only use if you are sure you have fulfilled the requirements), serious vandal issues, requesting Founder permission to do something, getting your signature created.

Gigantosaurus 001 = Requesting permission for anything that requires Founder permission, serious vandal issues.

Raptor 225 = Serious vandal issues, any other IMPORTANT issues you may have.

If you have vandal issues that are not serious, please leave the message with one of our trained vandalism reverters. You can find links to their talk pages on the "Contact a sysop/bureaucrat" link underneath the search bar.
